How To Strengthen Your Back: The Benefits Of Heavy Squats

Jonathan Scorey

Squats are one of the best exercises for building lower body strength and muscle mass. They also help reduce lower back pain and improve body function. In this blog post, we'll discuss the benefits of heavy squats and guide proper form and squat variations.

In short - yes, heavy squats provide many benefits, like improving fitness and strength. Even if you're not a heavy exerciser, you'll benefit from squats. They're an essential part of any fitness regimen.

How To Strengthen Your Back: The Benefits Of Heavy Squats


  1. How Heavy Squats Can Reduce Lower Back Pain
  2. Why You Should Implement Heavy Load Squats Into Your Routine.
  3. How Long Does It Take To See Results?
  4. 10 Major Benefits Of Heavy Squats
  5. How To Perform The Squat - Step By Step Tutorial
  6. How To Warm Up For Heavy Squats
  7. What Are Different Squat Variations?
  8. My Personal Experience With Heavy Squats
  9. To End It Off

How Heavy Squats Can Reduce Lower Back Pain

Heavy squats, when performed with proper form and technique, can help reduce lower back pain by strengthening the muscles that support the spine. This exercise targets not only the leg muscles but also the erector spinae, which are crucial for maintaining back stability. Strengthening these muscles can reduce pressure on the inter vertebral discs and the risk of injury. Furthermore, heavy squats can improve core strength, which is essential for maintaining good posture and preventing strain on the lower back. Squats can help build strong spinal health and reduce the risk of lower back pain.

Why You Should Implement Heavy Load Squats

Heavy squats are a powerful exercise that we recommend you include in your fitness routine for several compelling reasons. They target multiple muscle groups, giving a workout that promotes overall strength and stability. Heavy squats help you improve core strength and posture, reducing the risk of injury and discomfort. Additionally, the functional movement of squats carries over to daily activities and athletic pursuits, enhancing your performance in a variety of physical tasks. Lastly, heavy squats can aid in weight loss by burning calories and boosting your metabolism, helping you achieve your fitness goals more efficiently. Overall, incorporating heavy squats into your workout regimen can lead to significant benefits in strength, performance, and overall health.

How Long Does It Take To See Results? 

The time it takes to see results from heavier weight squats can vary a lot from person to person. Results depend on factors like fitness level, training frequency, consistency, and genetics. Generally, it's common to observe some improvements in strength and muscle tone within 4-6 weeks of consistent heavy squat training. However, more significant changes in muscle size and overall body composition may take longer, typically 8-12 weeks or more. It's important to remember that progress is not always linear and can be influenced by factors such as proper nutrition, recovery, and sleep. Patience and dedication to your training program are crucial for achieving long-lasting results from heavy squats.

How long does it take to see results from squats

10 Major Benefits Of Heavy Squats:


Squats are a good way to build strong leg muscles because they use a lot of resistance. When performing a heavy squat, the major muscle groups targeted include the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. As you squat with a heavy load, these muscles contract powerfully to support the weight and move through the full range of motion. This intense stimulation promotes muscle fibre recruitment and triggers hypertrophy or muscle growth. Over time, regular heavy squat training makes your muscles bigger and stronger, so your legs become powerful supports for your body.


Heavy squats are not only beneficial for muscle development, but they also contribute to building stronger joints. Squats use many large muscle groups, which stress the hips, knees, and ankles as well as the lower body's smaller joints. This controlled stress encourages the production and strengthening of connective tissues such as ligaments and tendons, which are crucial for joint stability and resilience. Additionally, increase blood flow to the joints during heavy squat exercises promotes nutrient delivery and waste removal, further supporting joint health. Over time, strong squat training can make your joints stronger, reducing the risk of injury and improving fitness.


Heavy squats, when performed with proper form and technique, can decrease the risk of injury in various physical activities and daily movements. Strengthening the lower body, back, and core muscles helps protect the joints and improve stability. This is best done with heavy squats. They improve joint flexibility and range of motion, making it easier to move efficiently and reducing joint stress during activities. These benefits make your body stronger and more resistant to sports, exercise, and normal tasks. Lowering the risk of injury.

 Benefits of Squats Proper Form


Heavy squats are a powerful tool for improving posture, as they engage and strengthen key muscle groups responsible for maintaining proper spinal alignment. The core muscles, along with the erector spinae, work together to stabilise the spine and keep proper form during heavy squats. This increased activation of core and back muscles helps develop a stronger support system for the spine, enabling better overall posture. Moreover, heavy squats enhance body awareness and proprioception, allowing individuals to become more conscious of their posture and alignment during everyday activities. Squats can help improve posture, reducing the risk of health issues from bad spinal alignment.


Squats improve core strength by using different muscles to balance, support, and generate force. When squatting, deep muscles like the transverse abdominis, multifidus, and internal obliques help more superficial muscles like the rectus abdominis and external obliques. Providing stability and control. As you descend into the squat and push back up, these muscles contract without movement to keep your torso stable and protect your spine. Over time, heavy squat training can improve core strength and stability, which can reduce injury and increase athletic performance.


Heavy squats can greatly improve mobility by promoting a full range of motion in the lower body. As you perform the squat, your hips, knees, and ankles must work together to execute the movement properly. This consistent and controlled motion helps to increase flexibility in the joints, which, in turn, can lead to better overall mobility. Moreover, squats help strengthen the stabilising muscles that support the joints, further enhancing joint health and function. Squats help improve flexibility, balance, and coordination, making you more mobile and athletic.


Heavy squats are an excellent exercise for increased power production in the body. By targeting multiple large muscle groups simultaneously, heavy squats help develop explosive strength and force generation. As you squat with good form, your body grows used to using more muscle. Making you stronger and able to move faster. This increased power production translates to improved performance in various athletic activities, such as sprinting, jumping, and changing direction rapidly. Also, heavy squats can give you more power, which lets you do things like lift heavy objects or climb stairs more easily.


Heavy squats are known to boost hormone production, particularly testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH), which are essential for muscle growth, strength, and recovery. These hormones play a critical role in regulating various physiological processes, including muscle protein synthesis and fat metabolism. When squatting, the muscles need to contract hard to lift the weight. This intense exertion stimulates the endocrine system, resulting in improved muscle growth, strength, and athletic performance. Incorporating heavy squats into your workout routine can, therefore, contribute to a more favourable hormonal environment for muscle development and enhanced physical performance.


Squats help with weight loss by increasing muscle mass and burning more calories. As a compound exercise, squats engage multiple muscle groups, which results in higher calorie expenditure and an after burn effect. By consistently performing heavy squats, you can increase muscle mass and metabolic rate, which allows your body to burn more calories at rest. Heavy squats can create an after burn effect, also called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). Causing your body to keep burning calories for hours after your workout. By incorporating heavy squats into your fitness routine, you can effectively enhance weight loss efforts and build strength at the same time.


Heavy squats have a remarkable ability to build confidence, both mentally and physically. As you train to squat heavier, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. In addition to physical changes that strengthen your back, legs, and core muscles, this can lead to a more positive body image and self-esteem. Consistently performing heavy squats improves physical fitness and confidence. Also helping with other challenges in life, like inside and outside the gym.

How To Perform The Squat - Step By Step Tutorial

  1. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing slightly outwards. This is your starting position.
  2. Engage your core by tightening your abdominal muscles and maintaining a neutral spine.
  3. Pull your shoulders back, keep your chest up, and maintain a forward gaze to ensure proper upper body alignment.
  4. Begin the squat by slowly bending your knees and pushing your hips back as if you were sitting in an invisible chair.
  5. As you descend, ensure that your knees stay in line with your toes and do not extend beyond them.
  6. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground, or as far as your flexibility allows. Keep your weight distributed evenly across your feet, with your heels firmly planted on the ground.
  7. To complete the movement, drive through your heels and straighten your legs to return to the starting position. Ensure that your hips and chest rise simultaneously, maintaining a straight back throughout the entire movement.
  8. Repeat the squat for the desired number of repetitions, making sure to maintain proper form and alignment throughout each rep.

How To Warm Up For Heavy Squats

Warming up for heavy squats is a good idea to ensure your body is prepared for the challenging workout ahead. A proper warm-up helps increase your heart rate, which improves blood flow and oxygen delivery to your muscles. Incorporating resistance bands during your warm-up can aid in muscle activation, specifically targeting the muscles that will be engaged during the exercise. By focusing on activating these muscles beforehand, you are better prepared to handle the heavy loads during your workout. In short, taking the time to warm up not only helps prevent injury but also optimises your performance when squatting heavy weights.

What Are Different Squat Variations?


The back squat is a powerful strength training exercise that targets multiple muscle groups. It's useful for athletes and people who want to be fit. Often called the "king of exercises," the back squat primarily engages the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and erector spinae muscles. The lifter places a barbell across their upper back and goes into a squat, keeping chest up, tight, knees over toes. Upon reaching the desired depth, the lifter then drives back up to a standing position, fully extending their hips and knees. The back squat is not only effective for building lower body strength and muscle mass, but it also aids in improving core stability, bone density, and overall functional fitness. When performed correctly and consistently, the back squat can contribute significantly to developing a strong, well-rounded physique.


Front squats are an excellent variation of the traditional squat that can provide additional benefits, particularly for the upper back and core muscles. In this exercise, the barbell is held in front of the body across the shoulders, requiring a more upright torso position compared to the back squat. The change in position focuses more on the quadriceps to maintain stability, while also engaging the erector spinae, rhomboids, and other upper back muscles. In addition, the abdominal muscles work harder to keep the body upright and balanced. Incorporating front squats into your workout routine can lead to improved posture, increased back and core strength, and enhanced overall athleticism.


The Goblet Squat is a highly effective variation of the traditional squat that targets not only the lower body but also engages the core and upper body muscles. This exercise uses a kettle bell or dumbbell. Hold it close to your chest with your arms and elbows tucked in. Then squat with good form. The goblet squat is good for building strength, stability, and mobility in your legs, hips, and back. It also works your upper body and core. Additionally, this squat is great for beginners. It promotes good form and technique by having an upright torso and preventing forward leaning. The goblet squat is a good exercise for any fitness routine. It improves strength and movement.


We recommend using body weight squats if you're new to exercise, don't have access to gym equipment, or prefer a more functional approach to training. This versatile exercise targets the same muscle groups as weighted squats, including the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and core, while also promoting balance and flexibility. Body weight squats can be modified to accommodate various fitness levels, from beginners performing shallow squats to advanced athletes executing full range-of-motion, deep squats. Incorporating body weight squats into your workout routine can help build lower body strength, improve overall mobility, and serve as a solid foundation for more advanced squat variations and other functional movements.


Jump squats are a different type of squat that can help athletes get stronger, faster, and perform better. The vertical jump is made when the muscles work harder and produce more power during the squat. Doing squats can make your legs stronger and more defined. Improve your jump, sprint, and agility speed, and help you stay healthy. Additionally, jump squats can aid in developing better balance and coordination, as they challenge the body to maintain proper alignment and stability throughout the explosive movement.


Bulgarian Split Squats are a squat that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calf muscles. It also engages the core for stability. Putting the rear foot on a bench or step, while keeping the front foot on the ground does this exercise. By working one leg at a time, Bulgarian Split Squats can help to correct muscular imbalances, improve coordination, and increase overall lower body strength. This exercise is good for people with back issues or who want to focus on lower body development without putting too much strain on the spine.

Overhead Squat


The overhead squat is a challenging and effective exercise. It has the benefits of squats with the added challenge of stabilising a weight overhead. This full-body movement targets the lower body's major muscle groups, like the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. It also engages the core, shoulders, and upper back. The overhead squat requires a significant level of mobility, balance, and stability, making it an excellent exercise for improving functional fitness and athletic performance. Overhead squats help you improve overall strength, coordination, and flexibility. They can also show you if you have any movement patterns that need improvement.

My Personal Experience With Heavy Squats

Throughout my fitness journey, I've struggled with lower back pain. I couldn't believe how heavy squats have transformed my life for the better. I was weighing 84kg and had a hard time lifting 60kg consistently due to the pain. That's when I met Kaine, one of the athletes we work directly with, and who often appears in our product photos.

Kaine watched me do squats, and noticed that my form was nearly A1. He couldn't understand why I was in pain, though. He explained a theory he had; maybe the pain I felt after doing squats was more like a muscle memory being triggered out of fear. Sort of like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Although I was initially sceptical, I decided to give Coach Kaine's approach a try, as nothing else had worked. To my surprise, his perspective turned out to be correct. I've been consistently working on my legs twice a week, incorporating heavy squats on day one and heavy dead lifts on day two. Now, I squat 80–90 kg and have a one-rep max of 100 kg for squats and 110 kg for dead lifts — something I thought was impossible three months ago.

Now look. I understand that everyone's situation is different, and this might not be the only way to overcome lower back pain. However, I know many people who suffer from it and are actively engaged in physiotherapy yet most say they're only slightly better after years of treatment, and they still have back pain. I hope sharing my experience can inspire others to try new approaches and find the solution that works best for them.

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Heavy squats are a powerful exercise that can transform your physical fitness and mental resilience. By incorporating various squat variations into your workout routine, you can target different muscle groups, improve mobility, and enhance overall functional strength. Squats can make you stronger and have positive effects on your confidence and body image.

Moreover, my personal experience with heavy squats demonstrates how these exercises can help overcome physical limitations, such as lower back pain. Everyone has different needs, so explore different options and be open to new perspectives to find the solution that works best for you. So, whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, consider incorporating heavy squats into your fitness regimen and experience the trans formative benefits for yourself.

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